May 20, 2014 - Moving House.
I can't quite place the feeling.. I guess it's somewhere between apprehension and awe. Definitely culture shock. After living in Calgary for almost seven years, I had grown accustomed to open spaces and the kind of friendliness that you get from strangers in that city. Life seemed so simple because I had a job, a set of friends, and a roof over my head which I came home to every night.
That's not the case now, isn't it?
I've never lived off of a suitcase.. let alone have to drag it uphill, downhill, and between train platforms when it's drizzling. I've never lived in a city where I didn't know a single soul. Well, I know Jesse. haha. So far, we've met up with Jesse's uncle's cousin and my godmother's niece. We're currently staying at my godmother's niece's house.. whom I just met yesterday, by the way.
Um. That's kinda c r a y ?
We didn't even know the other party existed until a few weeks ago. lol.
(click image to view gallery)
On Sunday we met up with Marman, Jesse's uncle's cousin.
We had the best time walking around CBD (downtown) with him.
We had the best time walking around CBD (downtown) with him.
Melbourne is so frakin' gorgeous.
Thanks Tito Marman! I forgot to take a pic of all the food he spoilt us
with when we stayed over his house. It was so nice to have a sense
of family hanging out with him.
I really missed my family this week, so Jesse had to give me extra hugs.
Thanks Jesse!

Meanwhile, i've given him many nicknames and pulled various pranks on him.
This week we watched a lot of SNL videos. I love the one with the Jay-Z and Solange skit.
Also, i'm on level 63 in Jelly Splash and he's on 75. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's obviously competing with me. I could tell because he casually asked me what level I was on this evening. (Jesse: She's catching up with me on Jelly Splash. I must stop agreeing to help her when she's stuck on a level ;P )
So, to wrap it up.. we finally moved to a new place (Hoppers Crossing) which is about 1.5 hours away from Mount Waverley, where we stayed for the first two weeks. This place already feels a lot homier, and the people here are so kind and welcoming. We're gonna make the best of our stay here before we have to move again =)