BLOGMAS Day 3: Work work work

Was at work all day today. Can I just say how crazy it is that the clouds are clear, there's no snow, and I still had to use my usb fan at work? It's December 3, and it worries me that we're having such nice weather, haha.
Felt especially sleepy all throughout work today. I managed to write another page for my project, but this little reindeer (bottom picture) pretty much wouldn't leave my side. Sleepy + babysitting a 7 yr. old? Definitely not the recipe for a productive day...

I feel like i'm getting a feel of what a parent will be like.... I do NOT think i'm anywhere ready for it! haha
Jesse picked me up from work and we headed out to dinner. I cannot tell you how many times we've ordered this spicy beef soup at Hot Point in the past 3 years.. It's officially our default cheap-but-yummy-dinner option!
Running around Chinook. Returned stuff from Sephora, La Senza, and Bluenotes (all bought online). See, everything looks wonderful on screen and there's always that 50/50 risk that you'll either love or hate it in person :P
Oh, Christmas shopping! I feel like i'm all "shopped out" already, from the Black friday/Cyber monday sales. What I really really want is a new laptop. LOL. Now that's something I won't be getting anytime soon >_< To Apple, or not to Apple, that is the question!