BLOGMAS Day 2: What a weird week!
December 2, 2016
YAY!!! Day OFF!!! Can you believe I sat at home all day (10:30 a.m - 6 p.m) working on my term paper though? It's about political economy, neoliberalism, and breast cancer. I was playing Nancy Drew, digging through Susan G. Komen's financial statements from 2015 LOL. I was going through blogs, journal articles, and this book by Vincent Mosco called "The political economy of communication". I am SO bloody glad I picked up that book, because I tend to veer off topic and need help in structuring my arguments.
I may have watched two episodes of Lie to Me during my "lunch break" ;)
Despite sitting there for probably a good chunk of the day, I only came up with 2 pages. *groans* I wonder if anyone else writes academic papers THIS SLOW.
COMS 503
Worth 30%, 5/10 pages- Due in 6 days. Goal is to write at least 2 more pages tomorrow. (HA, goodluck with that cause i'm at work for 9.5 hours then)
COMS 591
Worth 35%, 0% done- Due in 5 days. I won't be touching it until Sunday. The goal is to finish editing the video component on Sunday, then start the analysis on Monday.

He got the falafel wrap, I got the beef shawarma plate!
We are completely HOOKED on this Japanese reality show called "Terrace House" (on Netflix). It's very similar to Big Brother, except they're there to hook up and get to leave the house whenever they want. Our friends Vina & Jacky recommended it last week. So far we've gotten one other person hooked on it :p We like to pretend we're therapists and analyze other people's lives hehe!
As per the title, this week has been weird, full of conflict and bad news. I am more than determined to let this week's stress roll off my shoulders. With deadlines looming, I can't afford to add more stress into my life because I need to be fully present with whatever i'm doing now.
YAY!!! Day OFF!!! Can you believe I sat at home all day (10:30 a.m - 6 p.m) working on my term paper though? It's about political economy, neoliberalism, and breast cancer. I was playing Nancy Drew, digging through Susan G. Komen's financial statements from 2015 LOL. I was going through blogs, journal articles, and this book by Vincent Mosco called "The political economy of communication". I am SO bloody glad I picked up that book, because I tend to veer off topic and need help in structuring my arguments.
I may have watched two episodes of Lie to Me during my "lunch break" ;)
Despite sitting there for probably a good chunk of the day, I only came up with 2 pages. *groans* I wonder if anyone else writes academic papers THIS SLOW.
COMS 503
Worth 30%, 5/10 pages- Due in 6 days. Goal is to write at least 2 more pages tomorrow. (HA, goodluck with that cause i'm at work for 9.5 hours then)
COMS 591
Worth 35%, 0% done- Due in 5 days. I won't be touching it until Sunday. The goal is to finish editing the video component on Sunday, then start the analysis on Monday.

Later that night, we came over my parent's house to pick up some packages.
Sneak peak of what we're having next week: hot pot & sinigang :D

That take-away life tho! 9 p.m shawarma run at this place called Jerusalem.
Just a bunch of hungry cats!
He got the falafel wrap, I got the beef shawarma plate!
We are completely HOOKED on this Japanese reality show called "Terrace House" (on Netflix). It's very similar to Big Brother, except they're there to hook up and get to leave the house whenever they want. Our friends Vina & Jacky recommended it last week. So far we've gotten one other person hooked on it :p We like to pretend we're therapists and analyze other people's lives hehe!
As per the title, this week has been weird, full of conflict and bad news. I am more than determined to let this week's stress roll off my shoulders. With deadlines looming, I can't afford to add more stress into my life because I need to be fully present with whatever i'm doing now.