Blogmas Day 12: Hot Point.
Rise and shine! Got on the road at 7:50 a.m to get to work, and it was CRAZY foggy outside!! I was slightly freaked out cause I couldn't see much ahead of me. I finally know what a pilot feels like when he's driving through a cloud. It felt like Silent Hill out there. Matter of fact, it still does, even though it's already 8:10 p.m as I'm typing this.
On the plus side, it was SUNNY today!!! I always complain about the blinding sunlight but boy was I ecstatic to feel it on my face :) My mood really gets affected by the weather, bigtime...
Exchanged something at Sephora after work, then went to meet Jesse at Hotpoint. Let me just say how crazy the drivers were around Chinook mall. People are getting stressed with their last minute shopping :p
Thought it would be fitting to end our night with our favourite (crack). I mean.. spicy beef hot soup. We've been steadily addicted to this stuff for more than a year now. LOL. Idk what they put in it, but it's so damn good!!