Blogmas Day 25: Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas & warm wishes to you who's reading this :) I can't believe another year has gone by. So many things have changed, but that's part of the beauty of life, right? It's so weird to see my family and friends grow: people leaving, people coming in. If there's anything i've learnt this year, it's that we need a strong foundation or network of people that we can count on through the years. I'm so blessed to have kept a handful of people on my side, even though sometimes I feel like I could do a better job of keeping in touch :p For so long now, i've been wanting to send mail to my friends in the Philippines. It's been eight years, and I still haven't sent a single one. I'm determined to do something about it in the coming year! And I wanna do a better job of keeping touch with friends here too :)
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree... i'm gonna miss how you add sparkle and glam to my living room!!
Highlight of the night: Meeting 3-week old Luke for the first time. He is SO TINY. I tried to hold him, but I obviously have a specialty for making babies cry :'( Anyway, I was so excited to give him my gift which was a onesie that said "Best gift ever"!! I thought it was the cutest thing, him being a December baby and all :D
Merry Christmas from us to you! I love these people!
Mmmm delicious fruit cake from T&T!
Pizza, Turkey & Mash + Filipino food = Best of both worlds! This is how we roll :p
Goodnight guys!!! Hope you had a great Christmas this year <3