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Blogmas Day 2: I can do anything I put my mind to!

by - 10:20 PM

[9:49 p.m.] I literally just came up with this idea after watching a few Vlogmas videos on YouTube. I got so inspired by Zoella's videos (her excitement is contagious!) that i've decided to do my little version of Vlogmas, but calling it "Blogmas" instead because i'm just gonna be writing on my blog instead of posting videos everyday for the month of December. 

If you're not familiar with the concept, the Urban Dictionary definition of Vlogmas is: A Christmas celebration that mainly Youtubers participate in by vlogging (or video blogging) everyday until Christmas. 

I've also decided to start doing the 30-Day affirmation challenge by Brian Tracy, and *lightbulb!* what better time to appreciate and reflect on life than Christmas time anyway? All of the titles i'll be using will correspond to the affirmation of the day.

So let's get started, i'm already late by a day! haha.

I have it all written down on my little whiteboard! :)
Yes, I understand it's a bit cheesy but it's been a while since i've done something like this.

My fairy lights <3

Reflecting on today's affirmation. Hmmm. This is a bit hard actually. haha. "I can do anything I put my mind to"... i'm trying to find an example from my life experience without having to bare my soul to the internet. lol. 

These past few months, I have set my mind to: doing great academically, paying off my tuition each semester (student loans can suck it), saving money on my TFSA, and even deciding to go on a "spending fast", which is a bit extreme, but I really need it to pay off my car loan. 
I guess "not baring my soul" just went out the window right there :p haha

I'm really happy at how dedicated and disciplined i've been (warning: i'm gonna be tooting my horn a lot through blogmas hahaha) with all the responsibilities i've had to face these past few months. Working five days a week, putting myself through university when I was on the verge of quitting, and actually rocking my first year in Communications studies. I've never done so well academically in my life (this might change as I enter my 400 level classes haha-- I hope not), and I just know that if I put my mind to it, i'll be able to make the best of my experience at UofC the second time around. 

I'm gonna be posting more photos for the next blog posts.

Have a great evening!


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